Club Championships
With close to a 300 point lead I think it is safe to say that we have Piranha's club championship wrapped up. After four years of second place finishes it's nice to be #1 out of around 200 clubs that were entered. They will award the championship at the Cape Henlopen Triathlon and Duathlon on October 13. Please make sure that if you go that you and your family stick around for a team photo. So far we have 27 signed up. You can register here.
Xterra ASP Off Road Triathlon Salamanca, NY
Josh Loren 1:54:14 1st overall
HalfFull Olympic Triathlon
Jocelyn Wong 2:40:14 1st AG
Save the Date
Our first annual club party will be Saturday November 2 at 6:00 at the DSFC Pike Creek location. More details to follow. You will also have an opportunity to order uniforms that night. Lenny Rogers will be putting together a slide show of the team throughout the year. Please send him pics to include at
From Diane:
The first annual club party is coming up on November 2nd. We hope everyone will be able to come out and celebrate a very fun and successful season! We've grown so much this year, and it will be a great chance to meet some of your teammates that you didn't even know you had!The signup page is the same as every tailgate. Pick a food category and pencil in a description of what you'd like to bring. BUT this time, you'll see uniform sizes listed, too. Here's the deal ... If you have a uniform and you are willing to let others try it on for size, choose the size from the list, and pencil-in a description. Diane's is there first, so you can see what's happening. If you don't already have a uniform, this is your chance to come and try one on. Thinking about getting a tri-suit? Bring your checkbook and we can get the order done that night! Click here for the sign-up page.
How to Deal With Pre-Race Anxiety
Click here.
Run v. Bike for Weight Loss
At least as triathletes we are doing both. Click here.
How Massage Heals Sore Muscles
Wouldn't it be great to be able to afford a massage after every workout. Click here. Don't forget one of our sponsors is Therapeutic Massage and Wellness.
Training Tips From John Hughes of Spin 90 - Top 5 Upgrades for More Speed
In last month's newsletter we shared easy ways to improve your speed and race times by a good bike fit and learning how to use the bike more efficiently. This month let's talk about the top 5 gear upgrades for faster bike times.
1. An aero helmet helps reduce the wind drag over your body, saving energy and hopefully adding more speed. Do not expect to see a huge jump in your average speed, but this is the most cost effective upgrade.
2. A good set of aero wheels can impact your average speed measurably. Do your homework before buying, though. All aero wheels will make you faster than traditional wheels, but some are a little faster than others - more importantly, they need to hold up. You can spend a ton on cheap wheels or you can invest a little more, and have a set of wheels that will last a long time.
3. Good tires will not only give you better traction, but can also help prevent flats. Everyone has an opinion about tires, so you may need to try a few manufacturers. Don't get caught up in tire debates. It's a preference, not a political party.
4. Pick your gearing wisely. Don't settle for the gears that came on the bike if you find yourself always looking for easier or harder gears. Gear ratios can be changed and should be. Use easier gears for hilly courses, harder gears for flats, or find an average gearing for both, if you don't want to deal with it.
5. This is a basic tip, but one worth noting. Use clip less pedals (without cages)! For newer riders you will find you get more power and get up the hills easier. You may fall. We all have, but the good news is if you do, chances are you won't be going fast because falling always seems to happen at a stop sign.
5. This is a basic tip, but one worth noting. Use clip less pedals (without cages)! For newer riders you will find you get more power and get up the hills easier. You may fall. We all have, but the good news is if you do, chances are you won't be going fast because falling always seems to happen at a stop sign.
I will be on vacation next week so there will be no newsletter the next two weeks. Kathy Minka will be running the Saturday swim practices during that time.
Don't forget to like us on Facebook.
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