3400 yards
12 Days of Christmas
3500 yards
3600 yards
3550 yards
3725 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 8 x 500 w/ :30 rest; swim at aerobic pace
Total 4300 yard
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 3 x 100 SLRS easy
3. 16 x 50 on 1:00 odd repeats race pace/ even repeats sprint
8 x 100 on 2:00 odd repeats race pace/ even repeats sprint
16 x 50 on 1:00 odd repeats race pace/ even repeats sprint
4. 8 x 25 kick w/ fins fly on back on :40
5. 4 x 50 golf drill on 2:00
3400 yards
1. 1 x 300 Warm up
2. 8 x 25 on :30
4 x 50 on 1:00
2 x 100 on 2:00
1 x 200 on 4:00
2 x 100 on 2:00
4 x 50 on 1:00
8 x 25 on :30
Repeat 2X with no rest; maximum effort each repeat
3100 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 3 x 4 x 50 1st set aerobic pace/2nd set race pace/3rd set sprint
3. Alt 8 x 50/150 150's race pace w/ :05 rest and 50's recovery pace. Go right into 150"s
4. Kick 6 x 100 w/ fins 25 left/right/back/front on interval
5. 12 x 25 drill thumb drag alt drill/swim
Total 3400 yards
Total 2750 yards
Total 3400 yards
Total 2050 yards
Total 3500 yards
Total 3800 yards
Total 3350 yards
This is our traditional Christmas practice done to the 12 Days of Christmas. Do #1, then #2 and #1, etc until you get through all 12 repeats. Because most of it is drill pace we do not rest between sets/repeats but you can set up a rest time if you like.
Total 3900 yards
Total 3500 yards
Total 3500 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 4 x 100 on 2:00
8 x 75 on 1:30
12 x 50 on 1:00
16 x 25 on :45
12 x 50 on 1:00
8 x 75 on 1:30
4 x 100 on 2:00
Adjust interval so that you have :15 rest each repeat swimming at aerobic pace.
No rest between repeats. Straight 3600 yard set. Alternate breathing every 2 and 3 strokes entire set.
Total 3900 yards
Total 3600 yards
1. Warm up 300
2. 10 x 50
second 25 faster stroke rate than first 25
3. 200 sprint
sprint/25 race pace
sprint/50 race pace
sprint/75 race pace
sprint/100 race pace
sprint/125 race pace
sprint/150 race pace
sprint/175 race pace
200 race
:30 rest
between each repeat
4. Kick 10 x 50 on 1:10 on back 25 fly/25 flutter
5. 12
x 25 drill catch up, ¾ catch up, swim3/14/15
1. Warm up 300
2. 5 x 100 KRLS
easy bilateral breathing last 25 w/ fins
3. 200 race pace
sprint/175 race pace
sprint/150 race pace
sprint/125 race pace
sprint/100 race pace
sprint/75 race pace
sprint/50 race pace
sprint/25 race pace
200 sprint
:30 rest
between each repeat
4. Kick 10 x 50 on 1:10 on back
5. Drill 12
x 25 odd scull w/ fins
1. 1 x 300 warm
2. 12 x 50 build on 1:05; head up 1st
3. 4 x 4 125 on 100 interval plus :20
2:00 rest each set; last set w/ fins
4. 12 x 50 kick w/ fins on back on 1:10
4. 12 x 25 odd zipper drill/even swim
Total 3800 yards
1. Warm up 300
2. 5 x 100
aerobic :10 rest breathe every 1, 2, 3, 4 strokes by 25’s
3. 4 x 5 x 100
on 2:00/1:50/1:40/1:30/sprint rest 2:00 each set
4. Kick 10 x 50 w/ fins alt left side/right by 50’s
5. 12 x 25
Drill catch up, ¾ catch up, swim
3600 yards
1. Warm up 300
2. 10 x 50
aerobic breathe every 4 strokes
3. Alt. 4 x 100
fast/50 easy
Alt. 4 x 100
easy/50 fast
Alt. 4 x 100
fast/50 fast w/ fins same intervals as previous fast repeats
1:00 rest
between sets
4. Kick 20 x 25 shooters on :40 w/ fins
5. 12 x 25
Drill hip rotation and breathing
3400 yards
1. Warm up 300
2. 12 x 50
aerobic pace :10 rest breathe every 2 and 3 strokes
3. 3 x 5 x 100
on 2:00 anerobic pace
4. Kick 10:00
w/ boards and fins alt. FL/FR @ 25
5. 12 x 25
Drill hip rotation and breathing
3300 yards
1. Warm up 300
2. 5 x 100 KRLS
w/ fins aerobic pace :15 rest
3. 4 x 50/100/200/100/50 take best 100 time add :20 half of that for the 50 and 2X that for
best 100 time is 1:30 add :20= 50 on :55/100 on 1:50/200 on 3:40
4. Kick 10 x 50
FL 25 on back/25 on front :10 rest
5. 8 x 25 FL
3500 yards
1. Warm up 300
2. 5 x 4 x 25 on
1:10 1-drill pace 2-aerobic 3-race pace
8 x 75 on 2:00 sprint
8 x 75 on 1:30 race pace
8 x 75 on 2:00 sprint
1:00 rest between sets
4. FL
Drill w/ fins
3400 yards
1. Warm up 300
2. 9 x 50 Breathe every 3-5-7 strokes drill pace
3. Alt. 8 x 100 sprint/200 easy no rest
after 100; :15 rest after 200
4. FL Drills
3400 yards
1. Warm up 300
2. Chalk Talk
3. 2 x 100 on 1:30
3 x 100 on 1:35
4 x 100 on 1:40
5 x 100 on 1:45
4 x 100 on 1:40
3 x 100 on 1:35
2 x 100 on 1:30
Let the interval dictate your pace.
4. Drill
FL w/ fins
3000 yards
1. Warm up 300
2. 10 x 50 on
1:10 25 BK/25FR easy pace
3. 5 x 100 on 1:45
4 x 100 on 1:40
3 x 100 on 1:35
2 x 100 on 1:30
3 x 100 on 1:35
4 x 100 on 1:40
5 x 100 on 1:45
Let interval dictate your pace 2:00 rest after each set
4. Drill
8 x 25 FL w/ fins
3800 yards
12 Days of Christmas
50 FR
25 3-6-3 Drill/25 swim
Kick 25 FL/25 FR on back
50 FR
25 catch up/25 swim
Kick 25 left/25 right
50 FR
25 thumb drag drill/25 swim
Kick 2 x 25 shooter
50 FR
50 2 left/2 right/2 swim
50 BK
3900 yards
1. Warm up 300
2. 3 x 4 x 125 first 25 BK; each set of 4 interval :05 faster;
1:00 rest between sets
4. Kick 10 x 50 w/ fins odd right
side/even left side
4. 20:00
swim 5:00 hard/10:00 easy/5:00 hard
1. Warm up 300
2. 2 x 200 on 4:00
2 x 150 on 3:00
2 x 100 on 2:00
2 x 50 on 1:00
Max effort w/o rest between sets.
Repeat 2X
3. 20 x 25 shooters on :40 w/ fins
4. 8 x 50 25BK/25FR on 1:15
5. Drill BK 25 double arm pull/25 swim
3500 yards
1. Warm up 300
2. 12 x 50 on 1:00 25BK easy/25 FR hard
3. 3 x 100 swim
3 x 100 50 kick/50 swim
3 x 100 swim
3 x 100 25 kick/25 rt arm/25 lt
arm/25 swim
3 x 100 swim
w/ fin; race pace; :10-:15 rest
between repeats; no rest between sets
4. 10 x 75 on 1:1 rest
5. Drill
BK 25 double arm pull/25 swim11/15/14
1. Warm up 300
2. 25 BK :05 rest
50 FR :10 rest
25 BK/50 FR :15 rest
100 FR :20 rest
100 FR :20 rest
25 BK/50 FR :15 rest
50 FR :10 rest
25 BK :05 rest
Repeat 3X with
no rest between sets
3. Kick 12 x 50 w/ fins on back; 25 Fly
kick/25 Flutter kick
4. 4 x 200 on 4:00 push pace
5. Backstroke drills
3500 yards
1. Warm up 300
2. 2 x 75 (25 hard/25 easy/25 hard)
2 x 75 (50 hard/25 easy)
2 x 75 (25 easy/50 hard)
All on 1:30 repeat 4X
3. Swim 500 for time
4. Kick 20 x 25 w/ fins on :35 Odds flutter kick/even fly kick
5. Backstroke drills
3400 yards
1. Warm up 300
2. Alt. 12 x 100 on 2:00/12 x 50 on 1:30
100’s race pace/50’s sprint
3. Kick w/ fins 20 x 50 back on 1:15
4. Backstroke drills
3400 yards
1. Warm up 300 choice
2. 4 x 200 on 5:00
4 x 150 on 4:00
4 x 100 on 3:00
4 x 50 on 2:00
Push pace hard; no rest between sets
3. Kick 8 x 50 on 1:10 w/ fins
4. 12 x 25 shooters
5. Backstroke drills
3300 yards
1. Warm up 300 choice
2. Alt 8 x 200 on 3:30/50 on 1:00
3. 4 x 50 on
4 x 50
on :50
4 x 50
on 1:05
4 x 50
on :45
4 x 50
on 1:10
4 x
50 on :40
rest between each pair of sets
4. 12 x 25 bk stroke drills
3800 yards
1. Warm up 300 choice
2. 10 x 50 1-5 descending 6-10 ascending
3. 1 x 50 sprint
3 x 100 race pace
1 x 50 sprint
5 times :10 rest between repeats/1:00
rest between sets
4. Kick 500 w/ fins and kickboard
5. 12
x 25 sculling drill Odd drill/even swim3600 yards
1. Warm up 300 choice
2. 10 x 75 on best 100 time 25 breathe rt/25 breathe lt/25 bilateral
3. 6 x 200 broken: 150 all out/rest :05 50
4. 10 x 100 SKPS w/ fins w/ :10 rest
5. Drill
12 x 25 2 left arm/2 right arm/2
swim Odd 25’s drill/even swim3550 yards
1. Warm up 300 choice
2. 5 x 4 x 50 build each set of 50’s
3. 6 x 50 race pace :10 rest breathe on
non-dominant side
6 x 100 race pace :15 rest bilateral
6 x 150 race pace :20 rest
4. Kick 8 x 50 on 1:10 w/ fins
5. Drill
9 x 25 1- catch up 2- ¾ catch up 3- swim
1. 1 x 300 warm
2. 8 x 100 race pace; set interval with
:15 rest
3. 10 x 50 sprint w/ :10 rest
4. 10:00 swim aerobic pace w/ fins; odd
25’s breath right side/even left side
8 x 50 sprint w/ :10 rest
8:00 swim aerobic pace w/ fins; odd 25’s
breath right side/even left side
6 x 50 sprint w/ :10 rest
6:00 swim aerobic pace w/ fins; odd
25’s breath right side/even left side
5. 12 x 25 3-5-7 breathing
1. 1 x 300 warm
2. 10 x 50 on 1:00 odd 25 sprint/25 easy;
even 25 easy/25 sprint
3. 4 x 4 x 125 first and last 25 bilateral
breathing w/ easy pace; push the middle 75 :20 rest each repeat; 1:00 rest each
4. Kick 12 x 50 w/ fins on 1:10 odd repeats on back
4. 12 x 25 catch up/ ¾ catch up/swim
Total 3700 yards
1. 1 x 300
warm up
2. Alt. 16 x 100 race pace/16 x 25 easy
(breathe every 3 strokes)
3. 2 x 100 on 2:00
2 x 100 on 1:40
2 x 100 on 2:10
2 x 100 on 1:30
2 x 100 on 2:20
2 x 100 on 1:20
All with fins
1:00 rest between pairs of 2’s
4. 12 x 25 swim easy 3-5-7 strokes
Total 3800 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm
2. Alt. 8 x 200 race pace/8 x 50 easy
3. 4 x 50 on 1:00
4 x 50 on :50
4 x 50 on 1:05
4 x 50 on :45
4 x 50 on 1:10
4 x 50 on :40
1:00 rest between pairs of 4’s
4. 1 x 200 easy count strokes each 25
Total 3700 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm
2. 1 x 500 for time
2 x 200 1st aerobic
recovery; 2nd race pace w/ :20 rest each repeat
1 x 400 for time
2 x 200 1st aerobic
recovery; 2nd race pace w/ :20 rest each repeat
1 x 300 for time
2 x 200 1st aerobic
recovery; 2nd race pace w/ :20 rest each repeat
1 x 200 for time
2 x 200 1st aerobic
recovery; 2nd race pace w/ :20 rest each repeat
1 x 100 for time
4. 12 x 25 6-3-6 kick drill
Total 3700 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm
2. 8 x 100 SKSK aerobic pace w/ fins breathe every 5 strokes
on the swim leg
3. Alt. 10 x 125 (race pace) :15 rest/75
sprint with fast kick :30 rest; last 5 w/ fins
4. 12 x 25 kick drill w/ fins and kick
Total 3400 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 8 x 500 w/ :30 rest; swim at aerobic pace
Total 4300 yard
1. 1 x 300 warm
2. 1 x 500 for time
3. 4 x 4 x 75 on best 100 time. Odds work
first 25/evens work last 25
1:00 rest between sets
4 x 4 x 100 add :30 to 75 intervals.
Work middle 50 all repeats.
1:00 rest between sets
4. 12 x 25 kick drill w/ fins and kick board
Total 3900 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm
2. 5 x 100 on base interval 1:30
(for example)
5 x 100 :10 faster than base
interval 1:20
5 x 100 :10 slower than base
interval 1:40
5 x 100 on base interval 1:30
5 x 100 :10 faster than base
interval 1:20
5 x 100 :10 slower than base
interval 1:40
5 x 100 on base interval 1:30
Base interval should be swimming at
race pace with about :10 rest
1:00 rest between sets of 5 x 100
3. 12 x 25 drill thumb drag; odd
drill/even swim
Total 4100 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm
2. 1 x 500 on 6:40 7:30 8:20 9:10 10:00
1 x 400 on 5:20 6:00 6:40 7:20 8:00
1 x 300 on 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00
1 x 200 on 2:40 3:00 3:20 3:40 4:00
1 x 100 on 1:20 1:30 1:40 1:50 2:00
Repeat 2X w/ 1:00 rest; 2nd
set w/ fins
3. 12 x 25 drill catch up
Total 3600 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm
2. 5 x 100 SKPS aerobic pace w/fins :15
3. 2 x 400 sprint w/ 1:00 rest
4 x 200 race pace w/ :30 rest
6 x 100 aerobic pace w/ :10 rest
4. 12 x 25 scull w/ fins
Total 3300 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm
2. 10 x 25 fist on :45
10 x 25 on :40 aerobic
10 x 25 on :35 race pace
10 x 25 on :30 sprint
10 x 50 on 1:10 race pace
10 x 50 on 1:00 sprint
4. 16 x 25 kick w/ fins alt. left/right
:10 rest
5. 12 x 25
drill fist odd/swim even
Total 3500 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm
2. 5 x 100 SLRS aerobic pace w/ fins :15
3. 2 x 400 aerobic pace :20 rest
4 x 200 race pace :30 rest
8 x 100 sprint 1:00 rest
4. 12 x 25
odd drill 2L/2R/2S; even swim
1. 1 x 300 warm
2. 10 x 25 catch up on :45
10 x 25 on :40 sprint
10 x 25 on :35 race pace
10 x 25 on :30 aerobic
3. 10 x 50 on 1:20 sprint
10 x 50 on 1:10 race pace
10 x 50 on 1:00 aerobic
4. 16 x 25 kick w/ fins on back :10 rest
5. 12 x 25
drill catch up
Total 3500 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm
2. 10 x 75 on 100 best pace; breathe every
other stroke and concentrate on hip rotation on non-breathing side
3. Alt. 8 x 200/50 Swim 200 all out, rest :05 seconds, swim 50
very slowly, rest :05
4. 12 x 25
drill 1- head up, 2- head gator high, 3- swim
Total 3350 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm
2. 12 x 75 w/ fins KSK aerobic pace :10 rest
3. 5 x 4 x 100 start at race pace descend
each repeat :03
1:00 rest after each set
4. 12 x
25 drill catch up/ ¾ catch up/ swim 11/30/13
1. 1 x 300 warm
2. 3 x 50
2 x 75 3 x 50 2 x 100
3 x 50 2 x 125 3 x 50
2 x 150 3 x 50
2 x 175 3 x 50
2 x 200 3 x 50
50’s on fast interval w/ 1:00 rest
after set of 50’s. Other repeats at race pace and bilateral breathing
5. 12 x 25 thumb drag drill. Odds drill; evens swim
Total 3300 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm
2. 12 x 50 build on 1:10
3. 8 x 200 (150 or 100) on 4:00 negative
splits by :10 fast pace
4. Kick w/ fins
and board 10:00
5. 12 x 25
count strokes 1, 4, 7, 10 left arm only; 2, 5, 8, 11 right arm only
3, 6, 9, 12
both arms
Total 3200 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm
2. 4 x 100 breathe 3, 5, 7, 9 @ 25 best 100 plus :15 seconds
3. 4 x 50
3 x 100
2 x 150
1 x 200
2 x 150
3 x 100
4 x 50
Race pace w/ :10 rest each repeat;
:30 rest each set
4. Kick w/ fins
100 fly on
100 back
100 free
200 (50
bk/50 rt/50 lf/50 fr
5. 10 x 50
count strokes :15 rest each repeat
Total 3400 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm
2. 6 x 4 x 50/1 x 200
Sprint 50’s w/ :10 rest; easy 200
aerobic pace w/ bilateral breathing
3. 5 x 100 KRLS w/ fins continuous
4. Drill 12 x
25 2R/2L/2S
Total 3500 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm
2. Alt 5 x 100
hard/50 easy :10 rest each repeat
3. Kick 10:00 w/ fins alt right/left each 50
4. Alt 5 x 50
hard/100 easy :10 rest each repeat
5. Kick 10:00
w/ fins alt front/back each 50
6. Alt 5 x 50
hard/50 easy
7. Drill 12 x 25 w/ fins and board focusing on slow breathing
Total 3400 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm
2. 9 x 50 easy 1,
4, 7 breathe every 3 strokes; 2, 5, 8 every 4; 3, 6, 9 every 5
3. 2 x 5 x 75 (sprint)/125 (race pace) w/
:15 each repeat and 2:00 rest between sets
4. Kick 8 x 50
w/ fins on 1:05 alt. l/r
5. Drill 14 x
25 w/ fins focusing on mechanics
Total 3500 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm
2. 8 x 75 w/
interval equal to 100 race pace time
3. Alt
100/200/100 with fast 100 intervals and easy 200 interval x 5 w/ 1:00 rest after each set
4. Kick 8 x 50
on :50 w/ fins
4. 6 x 50 Golf
Total 3600 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm
2. 12 x 25 on
6 x 50 on
4 x 75 on
3 x 100 on
Repeat in
reverse order; faster than race pace
3. Kick 20 x 25
w/ fins on back; odd fly/even free
4. Drill 12 x
25 odd 2L/2R/2S/even swim
Total 3500 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm
2. 10 x 50 odds
normal stroke rate/even increase stroke rate
3. 1 x 100
1 x 200
1 x 300
1 x 200
1 x 100
Repeat 3x
w/ 2:00 rest between sets. All repeats race pace. Swim second set w/ fins and :10 faster interval.
4. 10:00 kick
w/ fins and boards
5. Drill 12 x
25 w/ fins alt head up/ swim
Total 3300 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm
2. 8 x 100 SKPS
w/ fins build by 100’s :20 rest
3. 8 x 200
broken first 150 anerobic pace/50 easy
4. Kick w/ fins
12 x 25 shooters
5. Drill 12 x
25 w/ fins alt head up/ swim
Total 3300 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm
2. 6 x 75 1st 25 aerobic pace/2nd
25 race pace/3rd 25 sprint
3. 4 x 200 race
pace :20 rest each repeat
3 x 200
race pace :15 rest each repeat
2 x 200
race pace :10 rest each repeat
1 x 200 all
4. Kick 8 x 25
w/ fins and board in streamlined position
5. 8 x 50 golf
Total 3350 yards
1. 1 x 300
warm up
2. 1 x 100 1:20 1:30 1:40 1:50 2:00
1 x 200 2:40 3:00 3:20 3:40 4:00
1 x 300 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00
1 x 400 5:20 6:00 6:40 7:20 8:00
1 x 500 6:40 7:30 8:20
Repeat in
reverse order
3. 12 x 25
shooters w/ fins
Total 3600 yards
1. 1 x 300
warm up
2. 4 x 75 on 1:30
4 x 50 on
4 x 75 on
4 x 50 on
4 x 75 on
4 x 50 on
4 x 75 on
4 x 50 on
4 x 75 on
4 x 50 on
3. 12 x 25
drill 3-6-3 w/ fins
Total 3100 yards
1. 1 x 300
warm up
2. 8 x 50 drill
tread water, swim 50
3. 2 x 125 on
2 x 100 on
2 x 125 on
2 x 100 on
2 x 125 on
2 x 100 on
2 x 125 on
2 x 100 on
2 x 125 on
2 x 100 on
4. 12 x 25
catch up drill
Total 3250 yards
1. 1 x 300
warm up
2. 8 x 75 build
on 1:30
3. Broken
50 hard :05
rest/150 easy
75 hard :05
rest/125 easy
100 hard
:05 rest/100 easy
125 hard
:05 rest/75 easy
150 hard
:05 rest/50 easy
Repeat 2X
rest 2:00 between sets
4. 20 x 15 kick
widths w/ fins
5. 8 x 50 drill
tread water, swim 50
Total 3600 yards
1. 1 x 300
warm up
2. Alt 8 x
50 fast/100 easy
Alt 8 x 100
fast/50 easy
Fast should
be all out effort with less than :10 rest
Easy should
be aerobic pace with :20 rest
3. 4 x 100
fast w/ fins :30 rest
4 x 50 fast
w/ fins :15 rest
4. 8 x 25 fist
Total 3500 yards
1. 1 x 300
warm up
2. 10 x
100 all out/rest :05/swim easy 50 recovery/rest :10
3. 5 x 200 all
out/ rest :10/swim easy 50 recovery/rest :20
4. 10 x 25
zipper drill odd repeats, swim even repeats
Total 3300 yards
1. 1 x 300
warm up
2. 12 x 75
aerobic pace 25 catch-up/25 ¾ catch-up/25 swim w/ :10 rest
3. 4 x
50-100-150-100-50 1:00/2:00/3:00
4. Swim 20 x 25
on :40 w/ fins and head up
Total 3500 yards
1. 1 x 300
warm up
2. Kick 20
x 25 fly on back on :40
3. Alternate
10 x 200/50 race pace :10 rest between each repeat
4. Drill 8 x
25 catch up 25 drill/25 swim
Total 3500 yards
1. 1 x 300
warm up
2. 2 x 6 x
75 first set breathe every 2-3-4 strokes @ 25; second set breathe every 3-5-3 strokes; easy pace :10 between each repeat
3. 5 x 3 x 100
on easy interval but swim faster than race pace; 1:00 rest between sets
4. Kick 10:00
w/ fins and board
5. Drill 12 x
25 w/fins odd 3-3-3 drill; even swim
Total 3400 yards
1. 1 x 300
warm up
2. 4 x 100
easy w/ :10 rest breathe @ 2-3-4-5 strokes @ 25
3. 6 x 300 w/
fins race pace interval
4. 20 x 25
sprint kick on :45
5. Drill 12 x
25 odd fist drill; even swim
3300 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 3 x 100 SLRS easy
3. 16 x 50 on 1:00 odd repeats race pace/ even repeats sprint
8 x 100 on 2:00 odd repeats race pace/ even repeats sprint
16 x 50 on 1:00 odd repeats race pace/ even repeats sprint
4. 8 x 25 kick w/ fins fly on back on :40
5. 4 x 50 golf drill on 2:00
3400 yards
1. 1 x 300 Warm up
2. 8 x 25 on :30
4 x 50 on 1:00
2 x 100 on 2:00
1 x 200 on 4:00
2 x 100 on 2:00
4 x 50 on 1:00
8 x 25 on :30
Repeat 2X with no rest; maximum effort each repeat
3100 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 3 x 4 x 50 1st set aerobic pace/2nd set race pace/3rd set sprint
3. Alt 8 x 50/150 150's race pace w/ :05 rest and 50's recovery pace. Go right into 150"s
4. Kick 6 x 100 w/ fins 25 left/right/back/front on interval
5. 12 x 25 drill thumb drag alt drill/swim
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 4 x 100 SLRS w/ fins :15 rest @ repeat
3. 2
2 x
2 x
2 x 100
2 x 125
2 x 150
2 x 175
2 x 200
4. 12 x 75 K/S/K on 1:15
1. 1 x 300 warm
2. 10 x 75 on 1:30/2:00
25 catch up/25 ¾ catch up/ 25 swim easy
3. 10 x 100 on
2:00/2:30 race pace; try to hold exact same time for each repeat
4. Drill 12 x
25 center line drill
5. 8 x 50 on
2:00 golf drill
1. 1 x 300 warm
2. 10:00
swim 2:00 hard/6:00 race pace/2:00 hard
3. 10 x 50 on
5 x 100 on
2 x 250 on
5 x 100 on
10 x 50 on
5. Drill 1 x
300 close quarters
Total 3500 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm
2. 6 x 100 25 drill pace/50 aerobic pace/25 sprint
3. 100-200-300-400-300-200-100
w/ :15 rest
All race
pace bilateral first and last 25 @ repeat
4. 12 x 50 kick
w/ fins on 1:15 25 fly on back/25 choice
5. Drill 12 x 25
fist drill alt. 25 drill/25 swim
1. 1 x 300 warm
2. 10 x 75 25 aerobic/25 race pace/25 sprint :10 rest
3. Alt. 10 x
150 push pace w/ 15 rest/50 easy drill pace
4. Kick 8 x 50
w/ fins on 1:10
4. Drill 8 x 25
3-6-3 drill w/ fins
Total 3650 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm
2. 3 x 50 drill
pace/3 x 50 aerobic pace/3 x 50 race pace/3 x 50 sprint
All on 1:30;
check pace after each repeat
3. 10 x 100 on
5:00 test set
4. Drill 6 x 25
3-6-3 drill w/ fins
1. 1 x 300 warm
2. 5 x 100 breathe @ 2/3/4/5 strokes on
3. 4 x 100 all
out w/ :30 rest
2 x 200
race pace w/ :20 rest
1 x 400 aerobic
Repeat 2X
Repeat 2X
Kick 2nd 400 w/ fins
4. Drill 6 x 50
treading drill/tread water for :30 then swim a 50
1. 1 x 300 warm
2. 8 x 75 25 catch up/25 ¾ catch up/ 25 sprint
3. 3 x 100 race
pace interval with :10 rest
2 x 150
race pace
1 x 300 all
3X Last set w/ fins
4. Drill 8 x 25
odd catch up/even swim
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 8 x 50 on 1:15
1-2 drill pace/3-4 aerobic/5-6 race pace/7-8 sprint
3. 2 x 25 on :30 All
repeats race pace
1 x 100 on 1:40
4 x 25
1 x 100
6 x 25
1 x 100
8 x 25
1 x 100
10 x 25
1 x 100
8 x 25
1 x 100
6 x 25
1 x 100
4 x 25
1 x 100
2 x 25
4. 12 x 25 shooters w/ fins
5. Drill 12 x 25 odd finger tip drag/even swim
1. 1 x 300 warm
2. 4 x 25 drill/50
race pace/75 hard :10 rest between
3. 400 drill
pace w/ fins breathe on non-dominate side; long strokes
300 aerobic
pace all bilateral breathing
200 race pace
choice breathing
100 all out 6 beat kick
:15 rest
between repeats
Repeat 2X
with 1:00 rest between sets
4. Drill 8 x 50
odd swim w/ fins; even swim w/o fins
Total 3300 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm
2. 12 x 75 25 aerobic/25 race pace/25 sprint on 1:30
3. 4 x 100 sprint w/ :10 rest
3 x
200 sprint 1st 100/race pace
2nd 100 w/ :20 rest
2 x
300 race pace w/ :30 rest
1 x
400 w/ fins all bilateral breathing
aerobic pace focus on kick
4. Drill 12 x
25 choice
1. 1 x 300 warm
2. 5 x 4 x 50 Drop :05 after each set of 4 w/ 1:00 rest
after each set; sprint
3. 4 x 100 drill pace; 1st 25 catch up w/ :10 rest
3 x
200 aerobic pace w/ bilateral breathing
w/ :20 rest
2 x
300 race pace w/ :30 rest
1 x 400 all out
4. Kick 12 x 25
w/fins 25 fly on back on :40
1. 1 x 300 warm
2. 10 x 50 on
1:15 odd aerobic breathe every 2/3; even hard
3. 8 x 75 on 2:00
all out
4. Alternate 6
x 50 hard w/ 10: rest/200 race pace w/ :10 rest/50 hard w/ 1:00 rest
5. Kick 10 x 50
w/fins 25 fly on back/25 choice on 1:15
6. Drill 12 x
25 odd 6-3-6/even swim
Total 3400 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm
2. 8 x 50 on
1:15 build (drill/aerobic/race/sprint)
2. 4 x 100 on
3:00 all out
3. Alternate 6
x 200 race pace w/ :10 rest/50 hard w/ :30 rest
4. Kick 20 x
widths w/fins
5. Drill 12 x
25 1-right arm only/2- left arm only/3- swim
1. 1 x 300 warm
2. 12 x 75 25 drill
pace/50 race pace
3. Alternate 6
x 50 hard/200 race pace
4. Kick 20 x
widths w/fins
5. 12 x 25
zipper drill; odds drill/evens swim
Total 3300 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm
2. 2 x 200
breathing @ 50 every 3/5/7/9
3. 8 x 25
4 x 50
descend to sprint
2 x 100
negative split
1 x 200
race pace
8 x 25
4. 8 x 100 kick
w/ fins
1-2 50 cruise/50 sprint
3-4 25 cruise/50 sprint/25 cruise
5-6 50 sprint/50 cruise
7-8 All out!!
5. 10 x 50 25 front scull/25 catch up
Total 3000 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm
2. 5 x 5 x 100
Odd sets set intervals with fast swims and long rest
intervals easy swim w/ :10 rest (broken 500)
1:00 rest
between sets
3. Kick w/ fins
10 x 50 on 1:10 alt. left/right @ 25’s
4. Drill 12 x
25 2R/2L/2S
Total 3600 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm
2. 2 x 50 4 x 50
6 x 50 8x 50 10 x 50
8 x 50 6 x 50 4 x 50
2x 50
Best 50
plus :15; odd :05 slower than even; rest 1:00 between sets
3. Kick w/ fins
10 x 50 on 1:10 alt. left/right @ 25’s
4. Cross over
drill 10 x 25
Total 3550 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm
2. 1 x 400 easy;
breathe every 2/3/4/5 strokes by 25’s
3. 10 x 2 x 50
on 1:00 w/ 1:00 rest between pairs of 50’s; add 50’s to get 100 time
4. 12 x 75 race
pace except work 2nd 25
5. 20 x 25
shooters w/ fins
6. Drill 12 x
25 catch-up/ ¾ catch-up/swim
Total 3400 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm
2. 10 x 100
KRLS w/ fins :10 rest easy pace
3. Alternate 2
x 150 easy :15 rest/1 x 300 hard :30 rest x 3
4. Drill w/
fins 12 x 25 shoulder roll on back; drill 3/swim 1
Total 3400 yards
This is our traditional Christmas practice done to the 12 Days of Christmas. Do #1, then #2 and #1, etc until you get through all 12 repeats. Because most of it is drill pace we do not rest between sets/repeats but you can set up a rest time if you like.
1. 50 swim alternate
breathing every 3 strokes/2 strokes
2. 25 kick/25
swim (alternate side each repeat)
3. 50 swim count
strokes each 25
4. 25 catch
up/25 swim
5. 25 swim head
up/25 swim
6. 50 swim
breathe every 3/5/3/5
7. 25 6-3-6
drill/25 swim
8. 25 fly kick
on back/25 swim
9. 25
2R/2L/2S/25 swim
10. 25 fist
drill/25 swim
11. 25
corkscrew/25 swim
12. 25 thumb drag/25 swim
Total 3900 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm
2. 8 x 100
breathe @ 2-3-4-5 strokes @ 25 aerobic
3. 6 x 300 race
pace 1-2 bilateral 1st 100;
3-4 2nd 100; 5-6 3rd 100
4. 8 x 50 kick
w/ fins on 1:10 odd left side; even right side
5. Sculling
drill 12 x 25 odd drill, even swim
Total 3600 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm
2. Alt. 10 x 25
w/ :05 rest/75 w/ :15 rest all race pace
strokes on the 25’s
3. Alt. 10 x 50
w/ :10 rest/100 w/ :20 rest all race pace
breathing every 3 and 5 strokes on 100’s
4. s/k/s/k w/ fins 5 x 100 :20 rest
5. Sculling
drill 12 x 25 odd drill, even swim
Total 3600 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 2 x 400 on
8:00 race pace 1st 200/sprint
2nd 200
4 x 200 on 4:00 race pace 1st 100/ sprint 2nd 100
8 x 100 on 2:00 race pace 1st 50/ sprint 2nd 50
3. Kick w/
fins and board 1 x 500
4. 6 x 50
on 1:15 count strokes @ 25 breathe @ 5 strokes
Total 3500 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm
2. 8 x 50 odd
repeats bilateral 90% effort :10-:15 rest all repeats in sets 2 and 3
8 x100 w/
fins work legs 70% effort
8 x 50 odd
repeats bilateral 90% effort
3. 4 x 75 2nd 25 bilateral 80% effort
4 x 150 w/
fins work legs 70% effort
4 x 75 2nd 25 bilateral 80% effort
4. 12 x 25
drill 10-10
Total 3400 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm
2. 18 x 75 on
1:20 w/ fins work 25 swim
1-6 k/k/s
7-12 k/s/k
13-18 s/k/k
3. 1 x 200
easy no interval
3x 75 hard
1 x 150
3 x 75 hard
1 x 100
3 x 75 hard
1 x 50
3 x 75 hard
No rest
between sets
4. 6 x 50 golf
Total 3350 yards
1. Warm
up 1 x 300
2. 12
x 25 odd repeats hard/even repeats easy;
keep same interval
6 x 50 “
4 x 75 “
6 x 50 “
12 x 25 “
3. 3 x 300 for
time w/ complete recovery between repeats
4. Drill 12 x 25
Total 3000 yards
1. Warm up 1 x
2. Pre-main
set: 12 x 75 on 1:15/1:20/1:30
3. Alt
8 x 200 on 2:50/3:10/3:30/3:50
8 x 50 on :50/1:00/1:10/1:20
4. Drill 8 x 75 25 catch up/25 3/4
catch up/25 swim
Total 3800 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm-up
2. 8 x swim 50/kick 75/swim 100 w/ fins w/ :20 rest
3. 6 x 100 race pace interval breathe every 2-3-4-5 strokes @ 25
4. Kick w/ fins 12 x 25 fly on back on :40
5. Drill 12 x 25 odd breathe every 5 strokes; even full exhalation
Total 3300 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm-up
2. 4 x 100 SLRS :20 rest aerobic pace
3. 16 x 50 on 1:00 odd race pace/even sprint
8 x 100 on 2:00 odd race pace/even sprint
4 x 200 on 4:00 odd race pace/even sprint
4. 12 x 25 kick w/ fins 1- right side 2- fly on back 3- left side
5. Drill 12 x 25 odd breathe every 5 strokes; even full exhalation
Total 3700 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 12 x 4 x 75 First 25 drill; last 50 anaerobic pace
Set interval that allows about :10 rest; no rest between sets
1. Count strokes (distance per stroke)
2. Catch-up (front quadrant)
3. Thumb drag (high elbows)
4. Bilateral (shoulder roll)
5. Head up (centerline)
6. Fist (feel water)
7. 2L 2R (acceleration)
8. 6-3-6 (hip roll)
9. Kick (hips, legs, ankles)
10. Reverse catch up (acceleration)
11. Zipper (high elbow)
12. Count strokes (distance per stroke)
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 8 x 50 on 1:00 2 drill pace/2 aerobic/2 anaerobic/2 sprint
3. 2 x 200 on 3:15
2 x 150 on 2:30
2 x 100 on 1:45
4 x 50 on 1:00
2 x 100 on 1:45
2 x 150 on 2:30
2 x 200 on 3:15
Try pacing so back half is faster than front half
4. Kick 1 x 500 w/ fins and board
5. Drill 12 x 25 catch up/ ¾ catch up/swim
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 2 x 3 x 250 first 50 bilateral; push the last 50
3. 20 x 25 shooters w/ fins
4. 1 x 500 for time w/ fins
5. Drill 12 x 25 zipper drill; odd drill/even swim
Total 3600 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 15 x 100 (5 race pace + :20) (4 race pace + :15) (3 race pace + :10)
(2 race pace + :05) (1 race pace)
3. 1 x 500 for time
3. Kick w/ fins 20 x 50 odd left side; even right side on 1:10
4. Drill 12 x 25 zipper drill; odd drill/even swim
Total 3600 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 20 x 25 on :40 build from 1-5 drill pace; 6-10 aerobic pace; 11-15 race pace; 16-20 sprint
2. 8 x 150 on 3:00 build each 25 from drill pace to sprint
3. 12 x 100 w/ fins; alternate SKPS and KRLS :15 rest each repeat
4. Drill 12 x 25 zipper drill; odd drill/even swim
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 4 x 100 on 2:00
8 x 75 on 1:30
12 x 50 on 1:00
16 x 25 on :45
12 x 50 on 1:00
8 x 75 on 1:30
4 x 100 on 2:00
Adjust interval so that you have :15 rest each repeat swimming at aerobic pace.
No rest between repeats. Straight 3600 yard set. Alternate breathing every 2 and 3 strokes entire set.
Total 3900 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 8 x 25 drill pace/8 x 50 race pace/8 x 75 sprint/8 x 50 race pace/8 x 25 drill
3. 8 x 100 25 sprint/50 race pace/25 sprint
4. 8 x 50 kick w/ fins on 1:10
5. Drill 12 x 25 sighting drill
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 3 x 25-50-75-50-25 :15 rest each repeat; push pace
3. 3 x 50-100-150-100-75 :15 rest each repeat; race pace w/ bilateral breathing
4. 8 x 100 SKPS w/ fins
5. Drill 12 x 25 fist drill odd drill; even swim
Total 3425 yards
Total 3400 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 500 easy :30 rest
400 hard :30 rest
300 easy :20 rest
200 hard :20 rest
100 easy :10 rest
50 hard
3. Kick 20 widths with fins
4. 10 x 100 odd hard/even easy recovery :05 rest each repeat
5. Drill 12 x 25 centerline drill (making sure entering hand does not cross over the body midline) Odd drill/even swim
3450 yards
Total 3500 yards
Total 3600 yards
Total 3500 yards
Total 3000 yards
Total 3500 yards
Total 3500 yards
Total 3600 yards
Total 3500 yards
Total 3600 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 2 x 6 x 150
1-2 work first 50/3-4 work second 50/5-6 work last 50
2:00 rest between sets of 6
3. Kick 10 x 50 w/ fins on 1:10
4. 1 x 500 try to negative split
5. Drill 12 x 25 ¾ catch up Odd drill/even swim
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 500 easy :30 rest
400 hard :30 rest
300 easy :20 rest
200 hard :20 rest
100 easy :10 rest
50 hard
3. Kick 20 widths with fins
4. 10 x 100 odd hard/even easy recovery :05 rest each repeat
5. Drill 12 x 25 centerline drill (making sure entering hand does not cross over the body midline) Odd drill/even swim
3450 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. Alternate 10 x 25/75 Sprint 25 easy 100 no rest between repeats
3. Alternate 8 x 200/50 200’s race pace with sighting each 25; :10 rest and then 50 sprint on 1:00
4. Drill 12 x 25 6-3-6
Total 3600 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 6 x 4 x 50 First 50 on sprint plus :05; add :05 for each 50
Try to hold first repeat time; 1:00 rest between sets
3. 5 x 100 KRLS w/ fins
4. 12 x 100 TBD
5. Drill 12 x 25 zipper odd drill/even swim
Total 3500 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 5 x 100 w/ fins s/k/s/k
3. Swim 2 x 50/100/50/150/50/200/50/250/50
All out effort on 50’s; race pace on rest
:10 rest between repeats
1:00 rest between sets; do the 2nd set backwards
4. 5 x 100 w/ fins k/s/k/s
5. Drill 6 x 50 Golf
Total 3500 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 1 x 100 easy w/ :10 rest
1 x 100 :05 faster w/ :15 rest
1 x 100 :10 faster w/ :20 rest X 5 no rest between sets
1 x 100 :15 faster w/ :30 rest
3. Kick 20 x 25 w/ fins on :30 odd fly on back/even free on side
4. 10 x 50 on 2:00 all out
5. Drill 6 x 50 Golf
Total 3600 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 12 x 75 on 1:15 Odd:1st 25 breathe @ 2 strokes/2nd 25 @ 3 strokes/ 3rd 25 @ 5 strokes Even: Reverse order
3. Alternate 4 x 50 on 1:00 and 200 on 3:30 sprint 50’s
4. Alternate 5 x 25 on :30/75 on 1:20 sprint 25’s
4. Kick 1 x 500 w/ fins and kickboard
5. Drill 12 x 25 catch up/ ¾ catch up/ swim
Total 3500 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 4 x 25 on :30
4 x 75 on 1:15
4 x 125 on 2:00
4 x 175 on 2:45
Push first 25 of each repeat
3. 8 x 100 build each 25 w/ :20 rest
First 25 bilateral; last 25 sprint
4. 20 x 25 shooters w/ fins :15 rest each repeat
5. Drill 12 x 25 odd swim with head up; make sure hand entry does not cross center line.
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 10 x 200 descend by :15 each 2 repeats
3. Kick 2 x 10 x 50 w/ fins on 1:10
4. Drill 12 x 25 thumb drag; odd drill/even swim
Total 3600 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 2 x 100 on 1:30
2 x 200 on 2:45
2 x 400 on 5:30
2 x 200 on 2:45
2 x 100 on 1:30
3. 5 x 100 w/ fins kick 25/swim 50/kick 25 on 2:00
4. 1 x 500 for time
5. Drill 12 x 25 goggles
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 10 x 75 on 100 best time 25 breathe right side/25 left/25 bilateral
3. 6 x 200 broken 150 all out/rest :05/50 easy
4. 10 x 100 SKPS w/ fins (Swim-Kick-Pull-Swim)
5. 12 x 25 drill 2 left arm/2 right arm/2 swim Odd drill/even swim
Total 3550 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 3 x 200 challenge set w/ :20 rest
3. Alternate 4 x 50 easy/100 race pace
4. 3 x 200 challenge set w/ :20 rest
5. Alternate 4 x 100 easy/50 race pace
6. 3 x 200 challenge set w/ :20 rest w/ fins
7. 12 x 25 drill 6-3-6
Total 3600 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 4 x 50 fastest interval possible
4 x 50 plus :05
4 x 50 plus :10
4 x 50 plus :15
4 x 50 plus :10
4 x 50 plus :05
4 x 50 on first interval
:30 rest between sets
3. 3 x 200 challenge set
4. Alternate kick w/ fins 12 x 25 on :30/50 on 1:10
5. 12 x 25 drill catch up/3/4 catch up/swim
Total 3500 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 12 x 75 race pace w/ :10 rest
3. 2 x 5 x 200 swim 150 all out/rest :05 swim easy 50
4. 12 x 25 breathing exhalation drill
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 10 x 50 on :50
4 x 100 on 1:30
2 x 200 on 3:00
4 x 100 on 1:25
3. 500 for time
4. Kick 8 x 50 on 1:10
5. 500 for time w/ fins
4. 200 cool down
Total 3600 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 5 x (50-100-150-200)
Group 1: :50-1:40-2:30-3:20
Group 2: :55-1:50-2:45-3:40
Group 3: 1:00-2:00-3:00-4:00
3. 12 x 25 sprints
4. Drill 12 x 25 odds zipper drill; evens swim
Total 3400 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 40 x 100 at slightly slower than race pace; practice drafting, do not wait :05, switch
Total 4300 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 8 x 50 Golf
3. 5 x 300 w/:30 rest; even repeats with fins; push middle 100
4. Kick 8 x 50 on 1:15 25 rt/25 lt
5. 8 x 50 Golf
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 75 easy/50 race pace/25 sprint x 8
:10 rest after each repeat
3. 4 x 3 x 100 on fast interval; 2:00 rest after each set
4. 20 x 25 shooters on :40
5. Drill 12 x 25 breathe every 2-3-4-5 strokes
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 12 x 75 on 1:15/1:20/1:30 50 hard/25 easy
3. 2 x 100 w/ :10 rest
2 x 50 w/ :05 rest
2 x 150 w/ :15 rest
2 x 100 w/ :10 rest
1 x 200 push pace
Rest 2:00 and repeat w/ fins
4. 12 x 25 breathing drill
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 20 x 25 2 easy/2 sprint all on same interval
3. 2 x 5 x 200 Allow :10 rest on first set of 5 and :20 rest on second set of 5
Swim race pace
4. 20 x 25 w fins; 2 repeats swim/2 repeats kick w/ :10 rest
5. Drill 12 x 25 2 left arm/2 right arm/2 swim
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 8 x 75 on best 100 time; middle 25 swim middle 1/3 head up
3. 10 x 3:00 pick distance that you can make the repeats at race pace
4. Kick 30 x widths w/ fins
5. 1 x 300 for time
5. 8 x 50 Golf
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 16 x 50 build 1-4 :10 rest @ repeat; focus on streamline off the wall
3. 5 x 100 on 1:40 Use as a guide for 200 intervals; push pace
4, 5 x 200 on x:xx race pace; bilateral breathing first and last 25
5. 1 x 400 for time
6. 16 x 25 kick w/ fins
7. 4 x 50 Golf
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. Alternate 10 x 50 on 1:00/10 x 75 on 1:30 race pace
3. 10 x 100 on x:xx sprint first 25, rest is race pace
4. Kick 12 x 50 w/ fins on 1:10
5. 12 x 25 breathe 3-5-7-3
Total 3450 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 10 x 50 odds sprint; evens easy :10 difference in intervals- example interval 1:00/1:10
3. 50 50 100 50 100
50 100 50 100 50
100 50 100 50 50
50 100 50 50 100
100 50 50 100 50
Set intervals for 50 and 100’s. Underlined repeats are sprint, others are race pace. 1:00 rest after each set.
4. Kick 20 x 25 on :30
5. Drill 12 x 25 Odd catch up/even ¾ catch up
Total 3350 yards
1. 50 swim breathe every 3 strokes
2. 25 kick/25 swim
3. 50 swim breathe every 5 strokes
4. 25 catch up/25 swim
5. 25 swim head up/25 swim
6. 50 swim breathe every 3/5/3/5
7. 25 6-3-6 drill/25 swim
8. 25 kick on back/25 swim
9. 50 swim
10. 25 fist drill/25 swim
11. 25 corkscrew/25 swim
12. 50 swim
Total 3900 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 12 x 25 Drill 2R/2L/2 swim odd drill; even swim
3. Alternate 3 x 100/200 :05 rest after each 100/:10 rest after each 200
Swim at about 80% effort
Swim at about 80% effort
4. 10 x 50 on 1:00 build w/ fins
5. Alternate 3 x 100/200 (repeat #3)
6. 12 x 25 Drill 2R/2L/2 swim odd drill; even swim
Total 3200 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 12 x 25 Drill Alt. 25 catch up/25 swim
3. 8 x 75 w/ :10 rest last 25 bilateral
6 x 125 w/ :15 rest last 50 bilateral
4 x 175 w/ :20 rest last 75 bilateral
Easy pace with about 75% effort
4. 20 x 15 kick widths w/ fins
5. 12 x 25 Drill Alt. 25 catch up/25 swim
Total 3250 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 12 x 25 Drill Rotation drill
3. 4 x 25E/50H/50E/75H/75E/50H/50E/25H
:05 rest each repeat/1:00 rest each set
4. 10:00 kick w/ fins and board
5. 12 x 25 Drill Rotation drill
Total 3000 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 12 x 25 Drill Rotation drill w/ fins
3. Alternate 4 x 100 w/ :10 rest/150 w/ :15 rest/200 w/ :20 rest
Race pace but push last 25
4. Kick 12 x 25 w/ fins fly on back
5. 12 x 25 Drill Rotation drill
Total 3000 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 12 x 25 Drill finger tip drag Odd 25 drill/Even 25 swim
3. 4 x 3 x 150 1st repeat push 1st 50/2nd repeat push 2nd 50/3rd 50 push 3rd 50
Race pace/ :15 rest each repeat; 1:00 rest each set
Even sets w/ fins
4. Kick 20 x 25 w/ fins fly on back
5. 12 x 25 Drill finger tip drag Odd 25 drill/Even 25 swim
Total 3200 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 12 x 25 6-3-6 drill; odd 25’s drill, even 25’s swim
3. 16 x 25 :05 rest each repeat
10 x 50 :10 rest each repeat
6 x 75 :15 rest each repeat
4 x 100 :20 rest each repeat
Race pace
4. 20 x 25 shooters w/ fins
5. 12 x 25 6-3-6 drill; odd 25’s drill, even 25’s swim
Total 3150 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 14 x 50 Golf
3. 4 x 4 x 100 each set :05 faster intervals than previous set
4. Relays
Total 2700 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 5 x 4 x 25 Build speed on 1-4
3. 100 set interval with :10 rest
150 set interval with :15 rest
200 set interval with :20 rest
150 set interval with :15 rest
100 set interval with :10 rest
Swim at race pace with 1st 50 bilateral and sprint last 25 of each repeat
Repeat 3x; swim second set with fins
4. 10 x 50 Golf
Total 3400 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 8 x 75 on best 100 time
3. 4 x 100 on race pace plus :20 rest
4x 100 :10 faster than first set
4 x 100 on race pace plus :20 rest
4 x 100 :10 faster than first set
2:00 rest between sets
4. 20 x 25 kick w/ fins fly on back on :45
5. 8 x 50 Golf
Total 3400 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 16 x 75 25 bilateral; 50 sprint; set interval with :20 rest
3. 8 x 125 w/ fins 50 bilatral; 75 sprint; set interval with :40 rest
4. 4 x 175 75 bilateral; 100 sprint; complete recovery betwen repeats
5. 12 x 25 drill thumb drag; odd drill/even drill
3500 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 1 x 300 for time; calculate 100 pace= T-pace
3. 8 x 100 T-pace + :15 seconds
1 x 100 easy and 1:00 rest
6 x 100 same interval as above but drop :03 seconds on pace
1 x 100 easy and 1:00 rest
4 x 100 same as above but drop :05 on pace
1 x 100 easy
4. Drill 2 x 200 50 catch up/25 right arm/25 left arm/50 perfect stroke
1:00 rest between repeats
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 5 x 200 sprint 1 & 5; 2-4 race pace
3. 10 x 50 on 2:00 “no touch”
4. Open water drills
Total 2500 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 5 x 100 first 50 easy; sprint second 50
5 x 100 first 50 sprint; easy second 50
5 x 100 first 25 easy; sprint middle 50; easy 25
5 x 100 first 25 sprint; middle 50 easy; sprint 25
3. Kick w/ fins 12 x 50 Odd right side; even left side
4. 20 x 25 sprints
5. Drill 10 x 25 6-3-6
Total 3650
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 18 x 25 1st 25 breathe every 2 strokes; 2nd 25 every three strokes; 3rd 25 every 4 strokes
Repeat 1-3; Set interval with no more than :10 rest
3. 3 x 3 x 200 at race pace. Practice sighting every 2nd and 6th lap. 1:00 rest between sets. Try pushing pace last set.
4. Kick 1 x 10:00 with fins and kick board
5. 10 x 25 drill CT's sculling drill
3500 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 3 x 8 x 75 first 25 ¾ catch up
3. 10 x 50 kick on back fly w/ fins
4. 10 x 100 at aerobic pace exit pool at far end and jump back in
5. 3 x Kick 2 pool widths exit pool and do :30 wall sit
Total 3600
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 4 x 4 x 100 Decrease each interval by :05 and each of the four repeats must be done with descending times.
3. 45:00 of drills:
Catch up
Reverse catch up
Finger tip
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 5 x 10 x 50
1- on 2:00 establish base; 2- sprint base plus :20; 3- race pace sprint base plus :15; 4- sprint sprint base plus :15; 5- race pace sprint base plus :20
1:00 rest between sets
3. Kick 20 widths w/ fins
4. Drill 16 x 25 3-3-3 w/ fins
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 8 x 100 race pace
3. Alt. 10 x 50 sprint w/ :05-:10 rest
Easy 10:00 swim
Alt. 8 x 50 sprint w/ :05-:10 rest
Easy 8:00 swim
Alt. 6 x 50 sprint w/ :05-:10 rest
Easy 6:00 swim
3500 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 20 x 25 odd 25’s ¾ catch up/even 25’s sprint
75 w/ :10 rest
125 w/ :15 rest x 2 x 3
175 w/ :20 rest
Swim with fins and kick only first 25 except first repeat swim the 25
2:00 rest after every other set
4. 12 x 25 sculling drill odd 25’s/swim even 25’s
3500 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 25-50-75-100-75-50-25 x 2
:10 rest between repeats/1:00 rest between sets
X 2
3 x 150 first 50 bilateral
Set challenging intervals
2:00 rest between sets
4. 12 x 25 shooters with fins
5. 12 x 25 Odd drill 2 rt/2 lt/2 swim
3500 yards
1. Warm up 1 x 300
2. Alternate 4 x 50 fast/100 easy
“ 4 x 100 fast/50 easy
“ 4 x 100 easy/50 fast
“ 4 x 50 easy/100 fast
“Fast” should be all out effort with less than :10 rest
“Easy” should be 80% effort with :20 rest
1:00 rest between each set
3. 4 x 100 fast
4 x 50 fast
Rest enough for complete recovery between 100’s and 50’s
4. 12x 25 Drill catch up
3600 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 5 x 100 krls :20 rest between repeats
3. 4 x 4 x 125 First 25 bilateral/ 75 race pace/ last 25 sprint
2:00 rest between sets
4. Kick 10 x 50 w/ fins
5. 12 x 25 Odd drill 2 rt/2 lt/2 swim
3600 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 10 x 50 1-5 descending times; 6-10 ascending times
3 x 100 race pace x 5
1 x 50 sprint
:10 rest between repeats; 1:00 rest between sets
4. Kick 500 w/ fins and board
5. 12 x 25 sculling drill Odd drill/even swim
3600 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 12 x 25 sculling drill; odd drill, even swim
3. 12 x 50 odd build; even sprint
4. 12 x 25 6-3-6 drill; odd drill, even swim
5. 12 x 50 odd build; even sprint
6. 12 x 25 catch up drill; odd drill, even swim
7. 12 x 50 odd build; even sprint
8. 12 x 50 drill bilateral breathing 1-every 3 breaths, 2-every 5 breaths 3-every 7 breaths
3600 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 2 x 1500 broken swims
500-400-300-200-100 with :10 rest between repeats
3:00 rest between sets
3. Fist drill 12 x 25 odd drill; even swim
3600 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 6 x 100 on 2:00 hold race pace time
6 x 100 on 2:00 sprint first 50 and finish on race pace time
6 x 100 on 2:00 sprint last 50 and finish on race pace time
6 x 100 on 2:00 sprint middle 50 and come in on race pace time
6 x 100 on 2:00 sprint first and last 25 and come in on race pace time
2:00 rest between sets
3. Fist drill 12 x 25 odd drill; even swim
3600 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 8 x 75 on 100 race pace time
3. 2 x 400 with :40 rest at aerobic pace with fins
4 x 200 with :20 rest at aerobic pace with fins
4. 10 x 100 with :10 rest at aerobic pace with head up 1st 25
5. Fist drill 12 x 25 odd drill; even swim
3800 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 10 x 50 on 2:00 descend each repeat
3. 6 x 100
4 x 200
2 x 400
Allow enough time on intervals for complete recovery between repeats. 2:00 rest between sets. All out sprint first half of each repeat then race pace for second half.
4. 6 x 75 w/ fins kick/swim/kick by 25's on 1:15
5. Zipper drill 12 x 25 odd drill/even swim
3750 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 10 x 50 on 2:00 descend each repeat
3. 4 x 4 x 100 Descend interval time by :05 each repeat
For example 1:40/1:35/1:30/1:25 then repeat going back to 1:40
4. Kick w/ fins 16 x 50 odd right side; even left side
5. Zipper drill 12 x 25 odd drill; even swim
3500 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. Kick 16 x 25 w/ fins on :40
3. 8 x 75
4 x 150
2 x 300
Odd repeats push pace; even repeats easy
2:00 between sets
4, Kick 16 x 25 w/ fins on :40
5. Drill 18 x 25 1st 25 catch up/2nd 25 ¾ catch up/3rd 25 swim
3350 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 5 x 200 1st 100 race pace; 3rd 50 push pace; 4th 50 race pace
About :20 rest between repeats; last 50 bilateral breathing
3. 4 x 25 :20 or :25 or :30 base
3 x 50
2 x 75
1 x 100
Repeat 4 x w/ 2:00 rest between sets
Last repeat w/ fins
4. Drill 6 x 50 Golf
3600 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 12 x 50 25 easy/25 hard; pick interval w/ :10 rest
3. 3 x 4 x 150 50 sprint/100 race pace
Swim second set w/ fins; wait :05 after first 50
1:00 rest between sets
4. Kick w fins 20 x 25 shooters
5. Drill 12 x 25 6-3-6 Odd drill, even swim
3500 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 8 x 50
4 x 100
2 x 200
4 x 100
8 x 50
Fast repeats but moderate intervals
3. Kick w fins 20 x 25 shooters
4. Drill 12 x 50 sighting
3400 yards
1 x 300
Main Set :
3x 250 100 moderate, 50 fast, 100 moderate (:30 rest between sets)
3x150 50 moderate, 50 fast, 50 moderate (:20 rest between sets)
3x100 25 moderate, 50 fast, 25 moderate (:15 rest between sets)
2x250 100 moderate, 50 fast, 100 moderate (:30 rest between sets)
2x150 50 moderate, 50 fast, 50 moderate (:20 rest between sets)
2x100 25 moderate, 50 fast, 25 moderate (:15 rest between sets)
1x250 100 moderate, 50 fast, 100 moderate (:30 rest)
1x150 50 moderate, 50 fast, 50 moderate (:20 rest)
1x100 25 moderate, 50 fast, 25 moderate
50 Yard Prediction Relays:
Teams will predict their finish time. Winners aren’t necessarily the fastest groups, but are the groups with swimmers who can most-accurately predict their swim time.
3300 yards + relays
1 x 300
Main Set :
3x 250 100 moderate, 50 fast, 100 moderate (:30 rest between sets)
3x150 50 moderate, 50 fast, 50 moderate (:20 rest between sets)
3x100 25 moderate, 50 fast, 25 moderate (:15 rest between sets)
2x250 100 moderate, 50 fast, 100 moderate (:30 rest between sets)
2x150 50 moderate, 50 fast, 50 moderate (:20 rest between sets)
2x100 25 moderate, 50 fast, 25 moderate (:15 rest between sets)
1x250 100 moderate, 50 fast, 100 moderate (:30 rest)
1x150 50 moderate, 50 fast, 50 moderate (:20 rest)
1x100 25 moderate, 50 fast, 25 moderate
50 Yard Prediction Relays:
Teams will predict their finish time. Winners aren’t necessarily the fastest groups, but are the groups with swimmers who can most-accurately predict their swim time.
3300 yards + relays
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. Alt. 4 x 50 sprint/100 easy
Alt. 4 x 100 sprint/50 easy
Alt. 4 x 50 sprint/50 easy
Alt. 4 x 100 sprint/100 easy
1:00 rest between sets
3. Kick w/ fins 16 x 50
4. 10 x 25 centerline drill
3750 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 4 x 4 x 50 Odd sets Stroke Golf/Even swim
3. 3 x 25 :20 :25 :30 :35
3 x 50 :45 :50 :55 1:00
3 x 75 1:05 1:15 1:25 1:35
3 x 100 1:30 1:40 1:50 2:00
3 x 150 2:15 2:30 2:45 3:00
3 x 200 3:00 3:20 3:40 4:00
Pick one column and try to stick with the intervals on the column.
2900 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 4 x 4 x 50 Descend interval by :05 on each set
3. 7 x 50 (sprint)/100 (race pace)/150 (aerobic pace)
1st 4 swim/last 3 kick w/ fins
4. Drill 12 x 25 bilateral breathing
3500 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. Drill 8 x 25 finger tip drag Odd drill/even swim
2. 5 x 50
4 x 75
3 x 100
Swim fast intervals; 1:00 rest after each set
3. Drill 6 x 75 25 catch up/25 ¾ catch up/25 swim
4. 3 x 100
4 x 75
5 x 50
Swim fast intervals; 1:00 rest after each set
5. Drill 8 x 50 2l/2r/2s Odd drill/even swim
3050 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 12 x 75 on best 100 time plus :15 25 sprint/25 easy/25 sprint
3. 5 x 6 x 50 start w/ fastest possible interval and add :05 each set
1:00 rest between sets
4. 6 x 100 KRLS w/ fins on 100 race pace
5. 10 x 25 zipper drill; odd drill/even swim
3550 yards
1. Warm up 1 x 300
2. Alternate 8 x 200 on 3:30/8 x 50 on 1:00
3. 4 x 50 on 1:00
4 x 50 on :50
4 x 50 on 1:05
4 x 50 on :45
4 x 50 on 1:10
4 x 50 on :40
1:00 rest between pairs of 4
4. 1 x 200 cool down; Count strokes
3700 yards
1. Warm up 1 x 300
2. 2 x 8 x 75 on best 100 time
1st 25 bilateral breathing
1:00 rest between sets
3. Kick 20 widths w/ fins
4. 5 x 100 on 75 time plus :30
5 x 100 on 75 time plus :20
5 x 100 on 75 time plus :30
1:00 rest between set
5. Drill 8 x 50 Odd 2 right/2 left/2 swim; even swim
3500 yards
1. Warm up 1 x 300
2. 10 x 150 on 3:00 goal time is 1.5 x 100 race pace ie race pace is 1:30 and goal time is 2:15
Count strokes middle 50
3. Swim 12 x 75 w fins on 1:30 w/ bilateral breathing
4. 1 x 500 for time
5. 12 x 25 drill with head up; odd 25's drill and even swim
3500 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 12 x 50 on 1:00 1-4 easy; 5-8 race pace; 9-12 sprint
3. 1 x 400 push 1st and 4th 100
1 x 300 push 1st and 4th 75
1 x 200 push 1st and 4th 50
1 x 100 push 1st and 4th 25
:30 rest after each repeat
2:00 rest than repeat with fins
3. Kick 16 x 25 w/ fins
4. Drill 8 x 25 thumb drag Odd drill/even swim
3500 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 5 x 100 build by 25’s :15 rest each repeat
3. 6 x 50-100-50 50’s hard/100 easy :10 rest between breaks
4. 4 x 100-50-100 100’s hard/50 easy :10 rest between breaks
5. Kick w/ fins 1 x 400 switch left/right/back/front @ 25
6. Drill 8 x 25 6-3-6 Odd drill/even swim
3600 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 1 x 200
5x100 All race pace; :10 between repeats; 1:00 between sets
5x100 All race pace; :10 between repeats; 1:00 between sets
3. Kick w/ fins 1 x 400 switch left/right @ 50
3700 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 10 x 50 Odds 25 sprint/25 ez; Evens 25 ez/25 sprint
3. 2 x 6 x 125 first and last 25 bilateral breathing w/ ez pace;
middle 75 push pace
2:00 rest between sets
4. Kick 20 x 50 w/ fins
5. 12 x 25 drill concentrating on streamline off walls
3600 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 25 on :20 sprint
25 on :30 ez
50 on :50 sprint
50 on 1:00 ez
25 on :20 sprint
50 on 1:00 ez
25 on :30 ez
50 on :50 sprint
Repeat 4X no rest
3. 500 for time
4. 50 on :50 sprint
50 on 1:00 ez
100 on 1:20 sprint
100 on 1:40 ez
50 on :50 sprint
100 on 1:40 ez
50 on 1:00 ez
100 on 1:20 sprint
Repeat 2X no rest
5. Drill odd 25’s ¾ catch up/swim even 25’s
3500 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 8 x 75 build by 25’s ie. 25 recovery pace/25 race pace/25 sprint
3. 2 x 4 x 250 broken 25/75/150 :05 rest between 25/75 and 75/150
4. Kick 400 w/ fins fr/bk/rt/lt by 100’s
5. 8 x 25 fist drill odd drill/even swim
3500 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 12 x 100
Odd sprint 1st 50; 2nd 50 recovery
Even 1st 50 recovery; 2nd 50 sprint
3. 12 x 25 from mid pool sprint to wall/recovery back
4. 12 x 100 race pace/ 1st 25 bilateral breathing
5. Kick widths w/ fins
6. 12 x 25 3-6-3 Odd drill/even swim
3600 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 8 x 75 interval equal to race pace
3. 8 x 100 skps :15-:20 rest
4. 8 x 75 interval :05 faster than 2nd set
5. 8 x 100 w/ fins sksk
6. 8 x 50 golf
3500 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. Alternate 8 x 100/200
100: first 25 easy, middle 50 sprint, last 25 easy
200: race pace
:15 rest between each repeat
3. Swim 500 for time w/ fins
4. Drill 12 x 25 catch-up/ ¾ catch-up/ swim
3500 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. Alt 4 x 50 on :50/75 on 1:15 1st 2 at race pace; 2nd 2 sprint
3. 1 x 100
1 x 200
1 x 300
1 x 200
1 x 100
Repeat set 3x w/ 1:00 rest
Swim set at race pace with :10 rest between repeats
Bilateral breathing first 50 of each repeat
Second set w/ fins
4. 8 x 50 cool down; count strokes first 25
3900 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 2 x 50 sprint; interval 1:1 swim to rest
1 x 100 cruise pace
Rest :10
4 x 50
1 x 200
6 x 50
1 x 300
8 x 50
1 x 400
3. Kick 2 x 10 x 50 w/ fins on same interval as second set; rest 1:00 between sets
4. 8 x 25 drill centerline/50 swim count stroke first 25
3450 yards
1. 1 x 300 warm up
2. 12 x 50 25 easy/25 hard; pick interval w/ :10 rest
3. 3 x 4 x 150 50 sprint/100 race pace
Swim second set w/ fins
1:00 rest between sets
4. Kick 10 x 50 w/ fins 25 left/25 right
5. Drill fist swim
3500 yards
1. Warm up 1 x 300
2. 10 x 50 on 1:30 build pace on each repeat
3. Alt. 4 x 200 for time/7:00 swim w/ fins
Work on legs and bilateral breathing on 7:00 swims
4. Sprint 8 x 25
5. 1 x 300 cool down count strokes every other 25
4200 yards
1. Warm up 1 x 300
2. 8 x 75 on 100 race pace
3. 50 sprint/50 easy recovery
75 sprint/50 easy recovery
100 sprint/50 easy recovery
125 sprint/50 easy recovery
150 sprint/ 50 easy recovery
Repeat 3X
:10 rest after each 50 easy and 1:00 rest after each set
4. Sprint 12 x 25
5. 1 x 300 cool down count strokes every other 25
3750 yards
1. Warm up 1 x 300
2. 3 x 25/50/75/100/125/150/125/100/75/50/25 w/ :10 rest each repeat
Swim at race pace
Rest 1:00 between sets
3. 20 x 15 kick
4. Alt 12 x 25 drill thumb drag and swim
3300 yards
1. Warm up 1 x 300
2. Alternate 4 x 50 all out with :30 rest/easy 200
Repeat 5x
3. Kick w/ fins 20 x 50 on 1:00 1-5 rt/6-10 lt/11-15 back/16-20 fr
4. Drill 12 x 25 6-3-6
3600 yards
1. Warm up 1 x 300
2. 4 x 100 easy aerobic pace
4 x 100 race pace
4 x 100 anerobic pace
4 x 100 race pace
4 x 100 easy aerobic pace
Rest 1:00 between sets
3. 8 x 100 w/ fins kick only 1st and 4th 25’s/ swim 2nd and 3rd 25’s
4. Drill 8 x 75 25 catch up/25 ¾ catch up/25 swim
3700 yards
1. Warm up 1 x 300
How well do you know your pace?
2. 7 x 25
7 x 25 :05 faster than first set
7 x 25 :10 faster than first set 2:00 rest
5 x 75
5 x 75 :10 faster than first set
5 x 75 :20 faster than first set 2:00 rest
3 x 125
3 x 125 :15 faster than first set
3 x 125 :30 faster than first set
3. Drill alternate 10 x 50 count strokes odd 50’s
3275 yards
1. Warm up 1 x 300
2. 2x 10 x 50 2nd set :10 faster interval than 1st set
3. 4 x5 x100 with :30 rest @ interval
Focus on time, pacing and goal
4. Kick widths
3800 yards
1. Warm up 1 x 300
2. 8 x 75 on 100 best pace
3. Alternate 10 x 200/50
Swim 200 all out pace, rest :05, swim 50 very slowly, rest :05
4. Easy 10:00 swim w/ fins and practice sighting every 4 strokes
3800 yards
1. Warm up 1 x 300
2. 4 x 100 on fastest time plus :25
3 x 100 on fastest time plus :20
2 x 100 on fastest time plus :15
1 x 100 on fastest time plus :10
Repeat 3x with no rest between sets
3. Drill 10 x 50 3-3-3 w/ fins
3800 yards
1. Warm up 1 x 300
2. 4 x 25/50/75/100 w/ :10 rest each repeat
1:00 rest after each 100 90% effort
3. 8 x 150 Swim first 50 all out, rest :05, swim 100 aerobic pace
4. Kick w fins and board 10:00
5. 8 x 50 Golf w/ breathing every 5 strokes
3500 yards
1. Warm up 1 x 300
2. 10 x 50 Make interval 3 x 50 time for example it takes :30 to swim the
50 then the interval time is 1:30
1:00 Rest
5:00 swim w/fins 80% effort and work legs
Repeat 3x
3. 8 x 50 Golf w/ breathing every 5 strokes
3100 yards
1. Warm up 1 x 300
2. 12 x 50 drop :05 off interval time after every 2 repeats
2:00 Rest
12 x 50 start with previous fastest interval and add :05 after every 2 repeats
3. 12 x 150 1, 2, 6, 7, 11, 12 Maximum effort; other repeats 70% effort
Pick an interval that gives you :30 rest on slower repeats
Repeats 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10 rotate first person and practice drafting
4. Kick 12 x 50 w/ fins alt left side/right side Focus on head in swimming position
3900 yards
1. Warm up 1 x 300
2. 60:00 of 100’s Set interval for 15-20 rest. Keep track of how many you complete.
1st 100 push 1st 25, 2nd 100 push 2nd 25, etc. Repeat each set of 4
If you miss a 100 sit out the whole 100.
Don’t forget to thank Ray for this set who did this for 3 hours last week.
3. Bilateral breathing
xxxx yards
1. Warm up 1 x 300
2. 8 x 75 on 100 best time
8 x 125 on 100 best time plus :30
8 x 75 on 100 best time
3. 1 x 500 for time w/ fins
3. Kick widths w/ fins
3400 yards
1. Warm up 1 x 300
2. 4 x 100 on fast interval with about :10 rest
4 x 100 kick w/ fins on same interval above plus :30 left/right/front/back @ 100
4 x 50 on fast interval with about :05 rest
4 x 50 kick w/ fins on same interval above plus :15 left/right/front/back @ 50
Repeat 2X Rest 1:00 between sets
3. Drills
3000 yards
1. Warm up 1 x 300
2. 10 x 100 on 5:00 in honor of Mike Peterson’s last practice
3. 10 x 25 Drills (underwater recovery and warm arm with shoulder roll)
1500 yards
1. Warm up 1 x 300
2. 3 x 5 x 50 subtract :05 each repeat
3. 2 x 5 x 200 about 80% of max; 2nd set swim with fins
4. 10 x 50 Golf
3550 yards
1. Warm up 1 x 300
2. 4 x 50
8 x 25 Drill odd 25’s/swim even Fist closed
4 x 50 :05 faster than first set
8 x 25 Drill odd 25’s/swim even 2 left/2 right/ 2 swim
4 x 50 :10 faster than first set
8 x 25 Drill odd 25’s/swim even Catch-up
4 x 50 :15 faster than first set
8 x 25 Drill odd 25’s/swim even Thumb drag
3. Repeat 2nd set backwards
3500 yards
1. Warm up 1 x 300
2. 4 x 50
4 x 50 :05 faster interval than previous set
4 x 50 :05 faster interval than previous set
4 x 50 :05 faster interval than previous set
1:00 rest between sets all with bilateral breathing
3. 25
6 x 50 Use 100 time as a base; for example 100 time is 1:40 (100 seconds)
75 25 on :25/ 50 on :50/ 75 on 1:15/ 100 on 1:40
100 1:00 rest between sets/ work on ¾ catch up
4. Drill 10 x 50 6-3-6 25 drill/25 swim
3100 yards
1. Warm up 1 x 300
2. 8 x 75 Push last 25 of each repeat
4 x 150 Push last 50 of each repeat
2 x 300 Push last 100 of each repeat
3. 12 x 25 shooters w/ fins
4. 8x 25 drill odd catch up/even ¾ catch-up
2600 yards
1. Warm up 1 x 300
2. 8 x 75 on 100 best time
3. Alternate 4 x 5:00 aerobic swim w fins/4 x 50 on 2:00 for time
4. Drills
3500 yards
1. Warm up 1 x 300
2. Alternate 4 x 50 fast/100 easy
“ 4 x 100 fast/50 easy
“ 4 x 100 easy/50 fast
“ 4 x 50 easy/100 fast
“Fast” should be all out effort with less than :10 rest
“Easy” should be 80% effort with :20 rest
1:00 rest between each set
3. 4 x 100 fast
4 x 50 fast
Rest enough for complete recovery between 100’s and 50’s
3300 yardage
1. Warm up 1 x 300 or social chatter or sobering up
2. 5 x 5 x 100 (25 drill/75 build w/ last 25 sprint)
Easy interval with 2:00 rest between sets
1. Catch up
2. 3-6-3
3. Finger tip drag
4. 2 rt/2 lt/2 swim
5. Breathe @ 5 strokes
2800 yards
1. Warm up 4 x 100 1st 25 drill 2 rt/2 lt/2 swim
2. 2 x 125 @ 2:20 No rest between repeats
4 x 100 @ 1:40
2 x 125 @ 2:15
4 x 100 @ 1:45
2 x 125 @ 2:10
4 x 100 @ 1:50
2 x 125 @ 2:05
4 x 100 @ 1:55
2 x 125 @ 2:00
4 x 100 @ 2:00 (3250 yards)
3. Cool Down 8 x 50 on 1:10 Count strokes 1st 25
4050 yards
1. Warm up 1 x 300 or social chatter
2. 4 x 50 This should be a hard anerobic set so adjust intervals accordingly.
4 x 75 Allow 1:00 rest between sets
4 x 100
3. 5 x 4 x 100 Allow about :20 rest each repeat; even sets are kick w/ fins on side
4. Free drills 16 x 50’s odd 25 drill/even 25 swim
4000 yards
1. Warm up 1 x 300
2. 12 x 75 set an interval that gives you :15 rest
3. 2 x 3:00 1:00 rest between each repeat
2 x 4:00 Odd repeats swim w/o kick and work arms
2 x 5:00 Even repeats swim w/ fins and work legs
2 x 4:00
2 x 3:00
4. Free drills 50's odd 25 drill/even 25 swim
xxxx yards
1. Warm up 1 x 300
2. 8 x 75 build by 25’s
3. 1 x 300 swim bilateral easy
4. 8 x 150 build by 50’s
5. 1 x 300 swim bilateral easy
6. 8 x 75 build by 25’s
7. 1 x 300 kick w/ fins
8. Drill 8 x 50 25 swim w/ fist ; 25 swim
4000 yards
1. Warm up 1 x 300
2. 12 x 75 on 100 best time
3. 10 x 200 even repeats with fins
4. Kick 10 x 50 w/ fins 1st 25 rt. Side/2nd 25 lt. side
5. Free drills mixed
Catch-up/3-6-3/finger drag/2 l, 2r, 2s/bilateral breathing/zipper/streamlined kick
4000 yards
1. Warm up 1 x 300
2. 3 x 50 2 x 75 3 x 50 2 x 100 3 x 50 2 x 125 3 x 50 2x 150 3 x 50 2 x 175
3 x 50 2 x 200 3 x 50
50's drop dead sprint/all other repeats bilateral breathing/1:00 rest after each set of 50's
3. Kick 10 x 50 w/ fins odd 25 rt. Side/even 25 lt. side
4. Backstroke drills
4000 yards
1. Warm up 1 x 300
2. 4 x 50 easy count strokes each 25
3. 4 x 5 x 100 Odd sets 1:00 rest between repeats/Even set :10-:15 rest between repeats
Count strokes last 25 of each repeat
4. Kick 10 x 50 w/ fins odd 25 rt. Side/even 25 lt. side
5. Backstroke drills
3500 yardage
1. Warm up 1 x 300
2. 4 x 3 x 100 Set base interval and descend by :10 each set; 1:00 rest between sets
Maximum effort on all sets
3. 3 x 3 x 200 Set base interval and descend by :15 each set; 2:00 rest between sets
Maximum effort on all sets
4. Drills w/ Brian
3600 yardage
1. Warm up 4 x 75 25 catch up/25 ¾ catch up/25 swim
2. 10 x 100 on 5:00 for time
3. 12 x 50 drill
1, 5, 9 breathe @ 2 strokes on opposite side
2, 6, 10 breathe every 3 strokes
3, 7, 11 breathe every 4 strokes on opposite side
4, 8, 12 breathe @ 5 strokes
1900 Yards
1. Warm up 1 x 300
2. 4 x 4 x 75
3. 3 x 4 x 150
3300 yards
Max HR = 220 - Age
Heart Zones 70% 80% 90%
1 50-60% of max 20 y.o 35 40 bpm 45
2 60-70% 25 34 39 44
3 70-80% 30 33 38 43
4 80-90% 35 32 37 42
5 90-100% 40 31 36 41
45 30 35 40
1. Warm up 1 x 300
2. 1 x 500 w/ fins 25 swim/25 kick
3. 10 x 50 all out with rest
10:00 swim at aerobic pace
Repeat 2x
4. Kick w/ fins 20 x 25
5. Drill 10 x 25 Golf
3550 yards
1. Warm up 1 x 300
2. 12 x 75 1-4 50 hard/25 easy; 5-8 25 easy/50 hard; 9-12 25 hard/25 easy/25 hard
3. 12 x 150 1-4 100 hard/50 easy; 5-8 50 easy/100 hard; 9-12 50 hard/50 easy/50 hard
4. Kick 12 x 50 w/ fins on back
5. Drill 12 x 25 6-3-6 odd 25 drill/even 25 swim
1. Warm up 1 x 300
2. 8 x 50 on :45/:50/:55/1:00
3. 25 on :30
50 on 1:00
75 on 1:30
100 on 2:00
5 x 2 with 2:00 rest between sets
4. 1 x 500 kick with fins on back
5. 12 x 25 Odd drill 2R/2L/2S; Even swim
4000 Yards
1. Warm up 1 x 300
2. 12x 75 w/ interval equal to 100 race pace time
3. Alt. 2 x 100 fast interval/1 x 200 easy interval x 6
4. 1 x 500 w/ fins 25 kick/25 swim
5. 10 x 50 Golf
4000 Yards
1. Warm up 1 x 300
2. 1 x 100
1 x 200
1 x 300 x 3 #2 w/ fins and :10 faster per 100 and 2:00 between sets
1 x 200
1 x 100
3. Drill 8 x 50 zipper odd 25’s drill/even 25’s swim
4. Kick w/ fins 12 x 25 shooters
5. Cool down 8 x 25 count strokes each 25
3900 Yards
1. Warm up 1 x 300
2. Alt 5 x 100 hard/5 x 50 easy
3. Kick 10:00 w/ fins and board
4. Alt 5 x 50 hard/5 x 100 easy
5. Kick 10:00 w/ fins and board
6. Alt 5 x 50 hard/5 x 50 easy
7. 8 x 50 drafting drill
3700 Yards
1. Warm up 1 x 300
2. 1 x 500 for time
3. 10 x 50 on :50/1:00/1:10
4. 1 x 500 for time
5. Kick w/ fins 10 x 50 on :50/1:00/1:10
6. 1 x 500 for time
7. 10 x 50 drill 25 fist/25 swim
8. 1 x 500 for time
8. Cool down 1 x 200
4000 Yards
1. Warm up 1 x 400
2. 8 x 25 on :30
4 x 50 on 1:00
2 x 100 on 2:00
2 x 200 on 4:00 x2 w/ 1:00 rest
2 x 100 on 2:00
4 x 50 on 1:
8 x 25 on :30
4. Cool down 1 x 200
3800 Yards
1. Warm up 4 x 100 three strokes head up every other 25
2. Pre-main set: 12 x 75 on 1:15/1:20/1:30
3. Alt 8 x 200 on 2:50/3:10/3:30/3:50
8 x 50 on :50/1:00/1:10/1:20
4. Drill 8 x 75 25 catch up/25 3/4 catch up/25 swim
5. Cool down 1 x 200
3900 Yards
1. Warm up 4 x 100 KRLS
2. Pre Main set 20 x 50 odd work 1st 25, even work 2nd 25 on :40/:45/:50/:55
2. 5 x 100 sprint 1st 25 rest :05 on 1:30/1:40/1:50/2:00
5 x 100 sprint 1st 50 rest :10 on 1:30/1:40/1:50/2:00
5 x 100 sprint 1st 50 rest :10 on 1:30/1:40/1:50/2:00
5 x 100 sprint 1st 25 rest :05 on 1:30/1:40/1:50/2:00
2:00 rest between sets
3. Drill 10 x 50 w/ Kathy or Brian
3900 Yards
1. Warm up 4 x 100 catch up 1st 25 of each 100
2. 5 x 100 build each 25
3. 20 x 75 w/ fins
1-5 work 1st 25
6-10 work 2nd 25
11-15 work 3rd 25
16-20 work all 75
4. 4 x 5:00 swims on 7:00 mixed lanes
5. Drill 10 x 50 6-3-6
4300 Yards
1. Warm up 500 sight 3 strokes @ 25
2. 10 x 100 on 5:00 for time
3. 12 x 50 drill
1, 5, 9 breathe @ 2 strokes on opposite side
2, 6, 10 breathe every 3 strokes
3, 7, 11 breathe every 4 strokes on opposite side
4, 8, 12 breathe @ 5 strokes
2100 Yards
1. Warm up 1 x 300 bilateral breathing
2. 10 x 50 on :50/:55/1:00/1:05/1:10
10 x 50 odd on -:10/even on +:10 of first set
10 x 50 on 2:00 drop dead sprints
10 x 50 on on -:10/even on +:10 of first set
10 x 50 on :50/:55/1:00/1:05/1:10
5. Kick w/ fins 10 x 100 with :30 rest
6. Cool down 1 x 200
4000 Yards
1. Warm up 1 x 300
2. Kick 8 x 50 w/ fins on 1:00
3. Timed 500
4. 10 x 50 on :50
5 x 100 on 1:30
5 x 200 on 2:50
5 x 100 on 1:25
5. Timed 500 w/ fins
6. Cool down 1 x 200
4400 Yards
1. Warm up 1 x 400 easy breathing @ 3 strokes
2. 10 x 100 80% of race pace (for example 1:30 goes 1:50) Bilateral breathing on odd repeats)
10 x 100 90% of race pace (for example 1:30 goes 1:40)
10 x 100 80% of race pace (for example 1:30 goes 1:50) Bilateral breathing on odd repeats)
2:00 Rest between sets
3. Baseball
3400 Yards
1. Warm up 1 400 easy breathing @ 3 strokes
2. 4 x 200 on
8 x 100 on 1:20/1:30/1:40/1:50/2:00
16 x 50 on :45/:50/:55/1:00/
2:00 Rest between sets
3. 16 x 25 alt rt arm/swim/lt arm/swim
4. 16 x 25 shooters with fins
5. 6 x 50 cool down, count strokes @ 25
3900 Yards
1. Warm up 1 400 easy breathing @ 3 strokes
2. 10 x 125 on 1:40/1:55/2:05/2:20/2:30
10 x 75 on 1:00/1:10/1:15/1:25/1:30
10 x 25 sprints
3. 12 x 25 odd @ 3 strokes/even @ 5 strokes
4. Kick w/ fins and board 1000
5. 6 x 50 cool down, count strokes @ 25
3950 Yards
1. Warm up 8 x 75 25 catch up/25 ¾ catch up/25 swim
2. 10 x 100 all out/ rest :05 swim easy 50 recovery :15 rest @ repeat
5 x 200 all out/rest :10 swim easy 50 recovery :30 rest @ repeat
3. Zipper Drill 8 x 25 drill 4 x 50 25 drill/25 swim
4. 200 Cool down
3850 Yards
1. Warm up 8 x 75 RLS
2. 1 x 500 on 6:40 7:30 8:30
1 x 400 on 5:20 6:00 6:40 7:20 8:00
1 x 300 on 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 x 2
( 2 w/fins)
1 x 200 on 2:40 3:00 3:20 3:40 4:00
1 x 100 on 1:20 1:30 1:40 1:50 2:00
3. Drills with Brian
4. Shooters
4000 Yards
1. Warm up 4 x 100 Breathe @ 2, 3, 4, 5 strokes by 25’s
2. 2 x 4 x 75/150 1:05/2:10 1:15/2:30 1:30/3:00
75’s build by 25/150 build by 50’s 1-70% 2-80% 3-90%
3. Drill 10 x 50 25 head up/25 swim (focus on catch)
4. 12 x 100 w/ fins 1-6 50K/50S, 7-12 50S/50K on 2:00
5. Cool down 4 x 50 on 1:15 count strokes @ 25
4100 Yards
1. Warm up 4 x 100 SKPS
2. 5 x 100 Anerobic pace
1 x 500 Aerobic pace
5 x 100 Anerobic pace
1 x 500 Aerobic pace
3. Drill 10 x 50 25 fist closed/25 swim
4. 12 x 100 w/ fins 1-3 KSKS, 4-6 KKSS, 7-9 SKSK, 10-12 SSKK on 2:00
5. Cool down 1 x 300 easy
4400 Yards
1. 1 x 400 alt. breathing @ 3/5 strokes
2. 20 x 50 on 1:00 add 2 50’s together for 100 time
3. 10 x 75 Drill 25 catch-up/25 ¾ catch up/25 swim
4. 12 x 75 on 1:30 sprint 1st and 3rd 25’s
5. 20 x 25 and/or relays
6. Cool down 8 x 50 on 1:10 count strokes @ 25
1. 8 x 75 25 catch up/25 ¾ catch up/25 swim
2. 3 x 100 on 1:20/1:30/1:40/1:50/2:00
2 x 150 on 1:55/2:05/2:10/2:20/2:30 x 3
1 x 300 all out
Rest 2 minutes
3. Kick 12 x 25 shooters
4. 12 x 25 Drill fly
3400 Yards
1. 4 x 100 breathe @ 2-3-4-5 strokes @ 25
2. 6 x 300 w/ fins on 4:00/4:30/5:00/5:30
1-2 bilateral 1st 100, 3-4 bilateral 2nd 100, 5-6 bilateral 3rd 100
3. 20 x 25 sprint kick w/ boards
4. 12 x 25 fly drill w/ fins
3000 yards
1. 4 x 100 SLRS continuous
2. 16 x 50 on 1:00 odd race pace/even sprint
8 x 100 on 2:00 odd race pace/even sprint
4 x 200 on 4:00 odd race pace/even sprint
3. 12 x 25 kick w/ fins kick 4 fly/pull one stroke
4. Drill/Cool Down 10 x 50 on 1:10 25 catch up@ 25 swim
3600 yards
1. 4 x 100 KRLS
2. 2 x 400 on 8:00 race pace 1st 200/sprint 2nd 200
4 x 200 on 4:00 race pace 1st 100/ sprint 2nd 100
8 x 100 on 2:00 race pace 1st 50/ sprint 2nd 50
3. Kick w/ fins and board 1 x 500
4. 10 x 50 on 1:15 count strokes @ 25 breathe @ 5 strokes
3800 yards
1. 8 x 75 continuous 25 catch up/25 ¾ catch up/25 swim
2. 8 x 100 on 2:00 Sprint 1st 50/race pace 2nd 50
4 x 200 on 4:00 sprint 1st 100/race pace 2nd 100
2 x 400 on 8:00 sprint 1st 200/race pace 2nd 200
3. 12 x 75 w/ fins kick/swim/kick on 1:15
4. Drill/Cool Down 10 x 50 on 1:15 6-3-6 25 drill/25 swim
4400 yards
1. 4 x 100 SLRS continuous
2. 3 x 25 :20 :25 :30 :35
3 x 50 :45 :50 :55 1:00
3 x 75 1:05 1:15 1:25 1:35
3 x 100 1:30 1:40 1:50 2:00
3 x 125 1:50 2:05 2:20 2:35
3 x 150 2:15 2:30 2:45 3:00
3 x 175 2:35 2:55 3:15 3:35
3 x 200 3:00 3:20 3:40 4:00
3. 8 x 25 kick w/ fins work on streamline
4. Drill/Cool Down 8 x 50 on 1:10 25 breathe @ 3 strokes/25 @ 5 strokes