Monday, March 2, 2015

Newsletter March 2, 2015

Club Membership
As mentioned previously we will soon begin restructuring our membership which will include a $12.50 annual fee plus a small credit card fee. Once we roll this out on our new website membership privileges will only be for those who have paid the membership fee. We will probably allow a one month grace period to get enrolled. Privileges include things like the discounts from our sponsors, Saturday swim practices, Lums Pond OWS and the e-newletter. There will be a members only access to certain parts of the website and membership cards to show our sponsors.  

A Look Back
Years ago I wrote a weekly blog for the club website. I thought it would be interesting to look back at those blogs and republish them here. I have edited out a few irrelevant parts.

Despite Marianne telling women in the locker room that we were doing the dreaded 10 x 100's, we actually repeated the previous week's practice. When I was coaching everyday I would run back to back practices occasionally for several reasons. Sometimes I just didn't like the way we swam the practice first time and I would rerun it to prove a point. Other times I would rerun it to see how we could improve upon it given the experience of doing it once. For example, sometimes you might not be sure how to pace a set or practice and the experience of doing it again gives you a better idea. Also it's a way of challenging yourself to see if you can attack it a little better. So don't hesitate to try doing the same practice on your own back to back.

At the end of the second set I asked how many people had done a stroke count during some part of that set. As I correctly predicted the answer was none. Really? This is so important yet it's amazing how often we forget to do this. Every practice you should do a stroke count for a least one repeat. Distance per stroke is a very important thing to work on for improving for distance swimmers. It is a great tool for measuring how well you are improving with your stroke mechanics. Make stroke count a part of every workout without being reminded.

Basic Biking Safety
Someday it will be warm enough to practice these tips

Tips on Balancing Work and Training
Click here. Of course the ideal situation would be if your boss is a triathlete.

Training Motivation
See if this video helps get you motivated to workout.

Is Your Personality Causing Injuries
This is opposite of what I thought. Click here.

Novice Triathlon Tips
Here is some good basic advice.

Self Hypnosis App for Athletes
If you try this out let me know what you think. I think it's only $3.99 so it might be worth a try.

Xterra Wetsuits

2015 is looking to be a fantastic year, and we are very excited to be partnering with you! There are many exciting things to announce! 

The first of which is a complete makeover of our lineup! First and foremost we have given our suits a complete makeover. The color highlights will now be gender specific - the men's Vortex suits will have brighter and bolder yellow, while the women's Vortex will have teal green highlights. The men's Vector Pro is now fire engine red, and the women's Vector Pro is now magenta. 

We are offering PRESALE on all of the new suits to our clubs first. The new suits have new neoprene and new liners. The new neoprene is more flexible, and more elastic, it is lighter weight, and even more buoyant. The liner is softer and more flexible and elastic. It even retains less water!

CLICK HERE to access your savings, and don't forget to enter CO-DAWGS for your EPIC pricing!

Have a great week"

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