It seems as though the Caesar Rodney Half Marathon kicks off our season each year. I will start posting individual road race results half marathon distance or greater and any multisport individual and relay results. If I know you are doing a race, I will do my best to enter your results if I can find them. I have about 350 names in our data base so it is a little difficult to go through a race and pick out all the Tri-Dawgs. Please feel free to send me your results. There is no deadline to get me your results. If you see I have posted a race but didn't show your results, let me know and I will post them in the next newsletter.
Caesar Rodney Half Marathon
Brian Welch 1:24:10
Aaron Perelman 1:27:34
Chris McGoldrick 1:29:36
John Lindtner 1:31:29
Susanne Vanzijl 1:32:20
Kris Kuss 1:36:34
Lee Dresser 1:44:42
Howard Keener 1:44:53
Nancy Welch 1:45:17
Jamie Brabston 1:45:37
Andy Campbell 1:50:29
John Chillington 2:00:22
Patty Webster 2:23:49
Summer Lifeguards Wanted
Do you know a high school or college student looking for a summer job? I will be hiring about 150 lifeguards. Applications and certification courses can be found on our website at
NJ Devilman
We will be the premier club at this May 3rd race and as such the club will receive a rebate for every entry that we have. This race officially kicks off our season each year and we always have a fabulous tailgate party afterwards. There is a race and distance for everyone. Our goal is 50 plus entries this year. Right now we are at 27 entries. Click here for details on the race and to register.
If you are going down to support a participant or just checking out the course, why not volunteer while you are there. Here are opportunities to volunteer.
A Look Back
Years ago I wrote a weekly blog for the club website. I thought it would be interesting to look back at those blogs and republish them here. I have edited out a few irrelevant parts.
I like swimmers to leave :05 after the person in front of them but if you have seven in a lane and are doing longer repeats you end up with a bottle neck. The solution is to push off the wall one right after another with no wait time. This means getting your head up a little and drafting off the person in front of you. Great skill practice for actual competition.
With more swimmers it's hard to do real long repeats so try making that a part of your weekday practice. You should do at least one 1500 yard timed swim per month to gauge your cruise interval speed. Figure out your 100 yard pace for that swim and that should be the basis for setting your intervals. For example, if you swam the 1500 in in 25:00 your 100 pace would be about 1:40. If you are swimming 100 yard repeats you would set your intervals based on that time. If you were doing 200 repeats you would set your intervals on twice that time or 3:20 and so on.
*********Team Swim Cap Order FINAL DEADLINE***********
*****************SUNDAY, MARCH 26, 2015:********************
______________________________ ______________________
Please find the new team swim caps and order form below. If you are interested in purchasing caps, please...
______________________________ ______________________
1. Copy and paste the order form into a new email.
2. Fill out the necessary information.
3. Email it back to me at
______________________________ ______________________
- A minimum number of either 2 name caps (same name
on each cap; 2 for $15) or 2 nameless caps (2 for
$10) must be purchased.
- A combination of both name and nameless caps may be
purchased provided a multiple of 2 of each is ordered.
- Payment will be due when you pick them up.
- Once placed it takes about 3 weeks to receive the order
so we hope to have them back in time for the beginning
of OWS in May.
****************************** ****************************** **************
1.) Full name:
2.) Total number of name caps:
3.) Name as you would like it to appear on the cap:
(Note: All letters are in uppercase block print. If you
need a lower case letter such as in the name
"McDONALD" or a first initial because you share a last
name with another member, please indicate.)
4.) Total number of nameless caps:
5.) Total $ amount due upon receipt:
Your newsletter is really very nice all your things are mostly related to body fitness which is really very good for all. Keep updating us with your activities.